Most kids love dumplings, and lets face it, usually when people cook with the kids they bake which is also something we don't want to encourage them eating loads of or they get an undeniable sweet tooth. But when you choose their favourites and teach them how to cook them and serve them to the family with loads of gratitude and praise they are so proud of themselves!
Sebastian was in the Ornament Kitchen today, we ran over what we had and what we needed. We went to the Grey Lynn Fruit World which is pretty well stocked of asian greens and picked up a Vietnamese mint herb plant, Bean Sprouts, coriander and some Garlic Shoots (which look a little like a spring onion I guess but have a mellow garlic flavour) and some dumpling/wonton wrappers. We had some minced pork at home so we were all set.
Heres our very casual recipe:
Pork Mince 500-600 grams ish
2-3 garlic shoots chopped finely
2 x Handfuls of Bean Sprouts
(We also added a bit of left over leek we had chopped finely to use it up)
2 x Cloves of Garlic
Lemon Juice of half a lemon or to taste
Big handful of chopped Coriander
Smaller handful of Vietnamese mint
Splash of Tamari
Drizzle honey and splash of hot sauce (or sweet chilli but we'd run out)
Salt to taste
We fried this all up in the pan, let it cool while we had a session on the trampoline and came back in to make our dumplings! We decided to fry this lot and they were delish! We made a quick dipping sauce with:
Dipping Sauce:
Hoisin Sauce and Tamari as the base
Splash of Mirin
Splash of Fish Sauce
Any residue liquid from the cooked filling mixture.
Watch our video here: