The light fluffy consistency of these with the whipped cream is actually addictive. I don’t have a sweet tooth but anything soufflé is an exception and these feel like eating sweet clouds!!! They take a bit longer than average but pancakes as you need to cook a little longer and not rush the heat but you won’t want regular doughy pancakes ever again trust me! 

Japanese Soufflé Pancakes

egg whites and 2 egg yolks from 4 large eggs, separated and chilled
tablespoons granulated sugar
teaspoons vanilla extract
teaspoon baking powder
tablespoons cake/bread flour
¼ cup milk, chilled
½ teaspoon fresh lemon juice or cream of tartar 
½ teaspoon salt
Butter, for greasing and serving
Maple syrup or Niue Honey for serving
Icing sugar, whipped cream and berries, for serving (optional)

Place egg whites in the bowl and set aside. Place egg yolks in a large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, the vanilla and baking powder to egg yolks and whisk until blended. Add flour and milk; whisk until fully combined.

Add lemon juice (or cream of tartar) and salt to the egg whites. Using a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or a hand mixer, whip mixture on medium speed until foamy, about 1 minute. Continue to whip over medium while gradually sprinkling with remaining 5 tablespoons granulated sugar. Turn speed to high and whip until stiff, glossy peaks form and mixture doubles in size, about 1 minute. Take care not to overbeat meringue.

Heat a lidded pan over the lowest heat setting and set the lid aside.

Using a rubber spatula, scoop about ⅓ of meringue into egg yolk mixture and gently fold almost combined. Repeat with half the remaining meringue until almost combined, then fold in the remaining meringue just until no streaks remain.

Carefully grease the warm pan and ladle a large serving spoon of the mixture into the pan. Place lid on top of pan and cook pancakes on a very low heat until they start to rise and a few small bubbles start to form on top, 3 to 4 minutes.

Remove lid, and spoon another small scoop of the mixture on top of each pancake, wait 1 minute before quickly flipping over. Immediately replace lid and cook until pancakes are cooked through and spring back to the touch, 3-4 minutes. Transfer cooked pancakes to a platter, grease the pan and repeat.

Top pancakes with a pat of butter and drizzle with maple syrup or our amazing Niue Honey. Serve immediately with any combination of icing sugar, whipped cream and berries! You’ll be left wondering why you didn’t double the mixture !!!