So I’ve named this an egg flip as I don’t make it as a structured omelette really, it’s always in a hurry here and I’m not mad about perfection so egg flip it is.
I gathered the Cavolo Nero, a bit of Curly Kale, rocket and some chives from our garden. The rocket has been amazing this season, it’s a little harder to buy at the moment and ours just keeps on giving! If you don’t have a herb and salad garden I say .. “why not?!” It costs minimal, takes hardly any time at all to plant out and gives back ten fold, whenever I’m out of something I can always make a meal from here. The Kale options ( inc. Cavalo Nero) grow so well in NZ too and are an amazing vegetable to eat with so many properties.
I used 2 full eggs and topped it up with one egg white so I wasn’t overdoing the fat though I made this up with avocado oil ! I like to only roughly whisk them so I see white and yellow when it cooks :)
1/2 small red onion
Handful of Cavalo Nero & Curly Kale
Himalayan Pink Salt & Black Pepper
Smoked Salmon
Creme Fraiche ( optional )
Avocado Oil
Fry the chopped red onion with the kales and chives until reduced a bit, add egg mix with salt and pepper throw on smoked salmon, wait till it’s cooked. Add some crème fraiche if you want some in dollops, flip in half and then again.
Serve with rocket, lemon juice & avocado oil.
Did you know: Cavalo Nero grows amazing here in NZ and is a great source of vitamins K, A and C. Which all play a role to help the immune system to function! Get planting xx