Nebraska Rug | Pebble

The woven textured finish of this contemporary rug lends itself to go into just about any space with ease as if it were custom made. We offer this beautiful weave in 4 shades and 4 different sizes.

The density underfoot comes from the wool content yet the durability and affordability comes with it blended with viscose. This is a beautiful rug to add texture and interest, as well as warmth and comfort, to a room.

3m x 4m & 2.5m x 3.5m sizes only available on pre order 

It consists of 50% wool and 50% wool blend.

We recommend regularly rotating your rug to ensure even wear.  Do not spot clean or use liquid cleaners (including water) on viscose rugs.  Blot spills immediately with a paper towel or colourless cloth.  Do not scrub rugs as it may cause permanent pile damage.  Use professional rug cleaners only for dry cleaning service.  Vacuum regularly with low suction power in one direction.  Avoid direct sunlight. Shedding of fibres from new rugs is to be expected and will reduce with time.

Please email for availability and time frames. 

  • $990.00
  • - $-990.00