Our curation of Wool Blend Rugs. Some rugs in this curation contain jute as a secondary material to wool and others contain Bamboo Silk/Viscose. Wool Blend Rugs offer the luxury of wool rugs at an affordable price and can often be more silky and soft underfoot. 

Jute is a tough and durable material has the ability to construct unique weaves and textures that other types of fibre normally cannot achieve. Bamboo silk and viscose are both cellulosic fibres made from wood pulp. The difference is that bamboo silk fibres are made specifically from bamboo. Both fibres have a lustrous, silk-like look and a soft touch. Absorb dyes well resulting in vibrant and subtle colours.

These rugs are more suited to low traffic areas and formal rooms. We do recommend rugs are treated by Rug Protection Systems before use, especially rugs with viscose or bamboo silk  as staining will occur if rug is not stain treated and a liquid spill takes place, professional cleaning is recommened.